API Responses

Each Ratepay Payment API response contains at least three items of processing information: Status, Result and Reason. Merchants should log this status information for each single Ratepay operation.

The status code indicates if the gateway was technically able to process the operation or not.

The result code is a three-digit number that specifies the result of the processed operation, e.g. "success" or "failure".

The reason code is a number containing more-detailed information on why the transaction was successful or failed, e. g. “Request successful” or “Authentication failed”.


Tip: The "code hierarchy" is as follows: Status Code > Result Code > Reason Code. Explanation: Reason Codes are grouped into Result Codes and Result Codes occur into Status Codes.

Most gateway responses containing a customer message that can be shown to the customer.


        <status code="OK">Successfully</status>
        <reason code="700">Request successful</reason>
        <result code="402">Transaction result pending</result>
        <customer-message>The verification was successful. Thank you for choosing open invoice as your preferred method of payment.</customer-message>

In the example above you see:

<status code="OK">


<result code="402">

402: Transaction result pending

<reason code="700">

700: Request successful

Version History

Version Date Changes
1.5 January 2022 Structural changes
1.4 January 2021 Added a Quick Start Guide and made some editorial changes
1.3 Added reason code for Remember IBAN feature 262: Merchant consumer id and payment method 'ELV' are mandatory for using stored bank account information
1.2 Added reason codes for marketplaces
260: Shop-id in external block is mandatory for this product
261: All items must contain a shop-id
261: All items must not contain a shop-id
1.1 April 2020 Expanded possible reason codes by
720: Declined - Payment attribute
721: Declined - Transaction risk
1.0 January 2020 Initial release on GitBook