Integration options

This page shows the possible integration options and their respective usage scenario.

Direct API integration

If you want to make a seamless native integration with full flexibility & usability of the Ratepay payment methods in your online shop / ERP system, you should consider a direct API integration.

Ratepay provides two different payment APIs for this purpose:

The Payment API 2.0, which is a JSON-based web interface

The Payment API 1.8, which is a XML-based web interface

A direct integration is primarily used for self-developed shop systems as well as connections to an ERP system.

Shop modules

If you are already using an ecommerce shop system solution, such as Shopware or Magento, you should use the shop modules provided by Ratepay.

The Ratepay shop modules are based on the Payment API 1.8.

PSPs (Payment Service Provider)

The Ratepay payment methods are provided by various payment service providers.

This allows the integration of Ratepay payment methods via different integration options (direct connection to shop modules) provided by the respective PSP.