Payment Initialization

The first step of the Ratepay payment workflow is the PAYMENT_INIT.

This operation is called to initialize the Ratepay transaction and obtain a valid transaction ID. The transaction ID must be passed with every subsequent Gateway request related to the same Ratepay transaction.

Request Parameters

<head> Section

Parameter Condition Enumeration
system-id Mandatory
operation Mandatory PAYMENT_INIT
credential Mandatory

​The PAYMENT_INIT request do not contain a <content> section.

XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request version="1.0" xmlns="urn://">

Response Parameters

<head> Section

Parameter Condition Enumeration
system-id Mandatory
transaction-id Mandatory
operation Mandatory PAYMENT_INIT
response-type Mandatory - success: STATUS_RESPONSE
- failure: STATUS_ERROR
processing Mandatory

The PAYMENT_INIT response do not contain a <content> section.

XML Example

<response xmlns="urn://" version="1.0">
        <transaction-id>xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</transaction-id>  <!-- unique identifier for this transaction -->
        <external />
            <status code="OK">Successfully</status>
            <reason code="300">Processing successful</reason>
            <result code="350">Transaction initialized</result>