Profile Request

The profile-request allows the merchant to read the stored configuration for his merchant profile.

Request Parameters

<head> Section

Parameter Condition Restriction
system-id Mandatory
operation Mandatory PROFILE_REQUEST
credential Mandatory

The PAYMENT_INIT request do not contain a <content> section.

XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request version="1.0" xmlns="urn://">

Response Parameters

<head> Section

Parameter Condition Restriction
system-id Mandatory
operation Mandatory PROFILE_REQUEST
response-type Mandatory success: STATUS_RESPONSE
processing Mandatory

<content> Section

The <content> section of the PROFILE_REQUEST response contains the requested profile information splitted in the sections master-data and if applicable installment-configuration-result and b2b-configuration-result.


Parameter Enumeration Comment
profile-id name of requested profile Name of requested profile-id
merchant-name Name of merchant
shop-name Name of web shop
merchant-status 1 = not active
2 = active
Merchant status
activation-status-invoice 1 = not active
2 = active
3 = phased out (no new orders are allowed but existing orders can be updated [e.g. capture or refund])
Status of payment method invoice
activation-status-installment see activation-status-invoice Status of payment method instalment
activation-status-elv see activation-status-invoice Status of payment method direct debit
activation-status-prepayment see activation-status-invoice Status of payment method prepayment
eligibility-ratepay-invoice "yes" = payment method active
"no" = payment method not active
Status of payment method invoice
eligibility-ratepay-installment see eligibility-ratepay-invoice Status of payment method instalment
eligibility-ratepay-elv see eligibility-ratepay-invoice Status of payment method direct debit
eligibility-ratepay-prepayment see eligibility-ratepay-invoice Status of payment method prepayment
eligibility-ratepay-pq-light [deprecated] [deprecated]
eligibility-ratepay-pq-full "yes" = available
"no" = not available
Status of IBS (integrated payment management) / is the PAYMENT_QUERY usable
tx-limit-invoice-min type Decimal Minimum shopping basket amount for invoice
tx-limit-invoice-max type Decimal Maximum shopping basket amount for invoice
tx-limit-elv-max type Decimal Maximum shopping basket amount for direct debit
tx-limit-elv-max-b2b type Decimal Maximum shopping basket amount for direct debit B2B customers
tx-limit-prepayment-min type Decimal Minimum shopping basket amount for prepayment
tx-limit-prepayment-max type Decimal Maximum shopping basket amount for prepayment
tx-limit-prepayment-max-b2b type Decimal Maximum shopping basket amount for prepayment B2B customers
b2b-invoice "yes" = allowed
"no" = not allowed
are B2B orders for payment method invoice are allowed
delivery-address-invoice "yes" = allowed
"no" = not allowed
is a different delivery address for the payment method invoice allowed
b2b-installment see b2b-invoice b2b-invoice
delivery-address-installment see delivery-address-invoice see delivery-address-invoice
b2b-elv see b2b-invoice see b2b-invoice
delivery-address-elv see delivery-address-invoice see delivery-address-invoice
b2b-prepayment see b2b-invoice see b2b-invoice
delivery-address-prepayment see delivery-address-invoice see delivery-address-invoice
b2b-PQ-light [deprecated] [deprecated]
delivery-address-PQ-light [deprecated] [deprecated]
b2b-PQ-full see b2b-invoice see b2b-invoice
delivery-address-PQ-full see delivery-address-invoice see delivery-address-invoice
country-code-billing enumeration of countries List of allowed countries (reference billing address)
country-code-delivery enumeration of countries List of allowed countries (reference delivery address)
currency enumeration of allowed currencies List of allowed currencies e.g. EUR or CHF

installment-configuration-result (if applicable)

Parameter Enumeration Comment
interestrate-min decimal Minimum value of percentage applied to the loan drawn down
interestrate-default decimal Default value of percentage applied to the loan drawn down
interestrate-max decimal Maximum value of percentage applied to the loan drawn
interest-rate-merchant-towards-bank decimal The interest-rate defined contractually between the merchant and factoring entity
month-number-min integer Minimum duration in months
month-number-max integer Maximum duration in months
month-longrun deprecated deprecated
amount-min-longrun deprecated deprecated
month-allowed string Comma separated list of allowed durations, stated in months e.g. 3,6,9,12,24
valid-payment-firstdays string Comma separated list of calendar days which are allowed as starting days of the installment plan:

2 (direct-debit)
28 (bank transfer)
2,28 (both options are possible)
payment-firstday string Default calendar day of the first payment
payment-amount decimal Minimum shopping basket amount incl. shipping
payment-lastrate decimal Partial amount due in the last month
rate-min-normal decimal Minimum monthly instalment due
rate-min-longrun ​​deprecated deprecated
service-charge decimal In case of payment by instalments, additional costs of financing
min-difference-dueday integer Minimum difference in days until due date

b2b-configuration-result (if applicable)

This section contains information about the optional and mandatory fields per company type.

XML Example

<response xmlns="urn://" version="1.0">
        <external />
            <status code="OK">Successfully</status>
            <reason code="306">Profile read successful</reason>
            <result code="500">Profile processed</result>
        <installment-configuration-result name="INTEGRATION_TE_DACH" type="DEFAULT">
            <country code="DE">
                    <company type="GMBH" label="GmbH" description="">
                    <company type="GMBH-I-GR" label="GmbH i.Gr." description="GmbH in Gründung">
                    <company type="GGMBH" label="gGmbH" description="Gemeinnützige GmbH">
                    <company type="GMBH-CO-KG" label="GmbH &amp; Co. KG" description="">
                    <company type="OHG" label="OHG" description="">
                    <company type="KG" label="KG" description="">
                    <company type="EV" label="e.V." description="Eingetragener Verein">
                    <company type="EG" label="e.G." description="Eingetragene Genossenschaft">
                    <company type="AG" label="AG" description="">
                    <company type="UG" label="UG" description="Unternehmergesellschaft">
                    <company type="UG-I-GR" label="UG i.Gr." description="Unternehmergesellschaft in Gründung">
                    <company type="EINZELUNTERNEHMEN" label="Einzelunternehmen" description="">
                    <company type="EK" label="e.K." description="Eingetragener Kaufmann">
                    <company type="PARTNERSCHAFT" label="Partnerschaft" description="">
                    <company type="GBR" label="GbR" description="">
                    <company type="AOR" label="Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts" description="">
                    <company type="KOR" label="Körperschaft öffentlichen Rechts" description="">
                    <company type="STIFTUNG" label="Stiftung" description="">
                    <company type="OTHER" label="andere" description="Sammeltyp für alle anderen Gesellschaftsformen">
                    <element index="1" apiattr="customer:company-id" description="">Handelsregisternummer</element>
                    <element index="2" apiattr="customer:registry-location" description="">Sitz Registergericht</element>
                    <element index="3" apiattr="customer:homepage" description="">Homepage</element>
                    <element index="4" apiattr="customer:company-id" description="">Vereinsregisternummer</element>
                    <element index="5" apiattr="customer:company-id" description="">Genossenschaftsregisternummer</element>
                    <element index="6" apiattr="customer:vat-id" description="">Umsatzsteuer-ID</element>
                    <element index="7" apiattr="customer:contacts:phone" description="">Telefonnummer</element>
                    <element index="8" apiattr="customer:adresses(REGISTRY):street" description="">Meldeadresse/Reg: Straße</element>
                    <element index="9" apiattr="customer:adresses(REGISTRY):street-number" description="">Meldeadresse/Reg: Hausnummer</element>
                    <element index="10" apiattr="customer:adresses(REGISTRY):zip-code" description="">Meldeadresse/Reg: PLZ</element>
                    <element index="11" apiattr="customer:adresses(REGISTRY):city" description="">Meldeadresse/Reg: Stadt</element>
                    <element index="12" apiattr="customer:adresses(REGISTRY):country-code" description="">Meldeadresse/Reg: Land</element>
                    <element index="13" apiattr="customer:date-of-birth" description="">Geburtsdatum</element>
                    <element index="14" apiattr="customer:company-id" description="">Partnerschaftsregisternummer</element>
                    <element index="15" apiattr="customer:company-id" description="">Registernummer</element>
                    <element index="16" apiattr="customer:company-id" description="">Firmenbuchnummer (FN)</element>