


The Bank Account Management Service is only available for Payment API 1.8.

The Bank Account Management Service enables merchants to store bank account data of their customers easily and highly secured at Ratepay. The stored bank account data can be used on the merchant's website or within backoffice orders to simplify future purchases.

The Bank Account Management Service offers a REST API to store, retrieve and delete customer bank account data. The API uses JSON as data exchange format..

How to use Bank Account Management Service API

General flow for API usage

  1. Authenticate against Ratepay's authorization service and retrieve an access token. This token is valid for 24 hours and can be used for any number of API requests during this period. (see Authentication )
  2. Use received token to call the Bank Account Management Service API.

Requirements for API calls

The Bank Account Management Service API must not be called directly from the frontend. Otherwise, this can expose the merchants credentials to the public audience. Instead, the backend system of the merchant should call the Bank Account Management Service API.