Retrieve a list of bank accounts stored for a specific bank account reference. Currently, the service stores one bank account per buyer. Thus, the returned list contains max. one bank account.
Authorization required | string For each request, a valid access token must be provided in the Authorization header. See Authentication API for obtaining a valid token. |
Content-Type required | string Example: application/json |
Successfully returned requested data
default response
Unknown merchant consumer id
Method not allowed
Data format not supported (JSON only)
Request entity too large
Internal server error. Try again later.
{- "bank_account_reference": "8e3412b0-a334-4d0a-b132-7ab996d769ef",
- "owner": "Jane Doe",
- "iban": "DE07 1234 1234 1234 1234 12",
- "bic": "MARKDEFFXXX"