Retrieve a list of bank accounts stored for a specific buyer. Currently, the service stores one bank account per buyer. Thus, the returned list contains max. one bank account.
Authorization required | string For each request, a valid access token must be provided in the Authorization header. See Authentication API for obtaining a valid token. |
Content-Type required | string Example: application/json |
Successfully returned requested data
partner profile id doesn't belong to the asking shop
Unknown merchant consumer id
Method not allowed
Data format not supported (JSON only)
Request entity too large
Internal server error. Try again later.
{- "bank_account_reference": "8e3412b0-a334-4d0a-b132-7ab996d769ef",
- "owner": "Jane Doe",
- "iban": "DE07 1234 1234 1234 1234 12",
- "bic": "MARKDEFFXXX"