
What is Transaction Status API?

The Transaction Status API enables merchants to provide their customers and service agents with Ratepay's payment details at any customer contact point. This allows the merchant to remain the face to customers while gaining additional supplier services.

The Transaction Status API is built around RESTful principles. It is HTTPS-based and uses JSON as the request and response format. It delivers standard HTTP response types.

How to use Transaction Status API?

The general flow to use the Transaction Status API is as follows:

  1. Get a token to access the Transaction Status API (token can be used for any number of transactions as long as it is valid)
    Please visit the Authentication API section for further informations.
  2. Call the Transaction Status API

Each API call to the Transaction Status API must contain the authentication token in the header and must use and accept JSON as content type.

The Transaction Status API cannot be called through a Javascript frontend directly from a browser. Instead, the corresponding backend should call the Transaction Status API.

Features of Transaction Status API

  • Get current payment status incl. open amount, claims, fees and settlements
  • Get payment method information for invoice documents, instalment plans and prepayment
  • Get current dunning status incl. dunning information
  • Get current basket information incl. shipping status