English Version

Terms of Use for Ratepay Interfaces for Merchants

Current Version (20.05.2020):


1.1 Application Programming Interface („API“):

Payment API

Ratepay is an online service provider which allows merchants to provide their customers secure and customized payment methods that can easily be integrated into their online shops via Payment API.

Order Status API

The Order Status API enables merchants to provide their customers and service agents with Ratepay's payment details at any customer contact point. This allows the merchant to remain the face to customers while gaining additional supplier services.

Pay Later API

Pay Later allows shoppers to move the due date of an open invoice transaction between 14 and 150 days into the future. Shoppers may use Pay Later to prevent getting dunned. It gives them the ability to plan their payments more individually. Charges apply when using this feature. The Pay Later API enables shops to integrate this functionality into their consumer interfaces.

API for Regular Customer Information

Regular customers who pay their bills on time are an important asset for every merchant. We give you the opportunity to use this capital with Ratepay's payment methods.

Merchant Registration API

The Merchant Registration API is part of Ratepay's Reseller Solution, which enables our partners (i.e. payment service providers and/or marketplaces) to provide their merchants with Ratepay's simple, flexible and secure payment methods in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

1.2 Web Interface (“Cockpit”)

Orca – The Ratepay Cockpit: a web platform on which a merchant can view and change online the orders of its customers who selected a Ratepay payment method and download order details or Ratepay billing information.

Hereinafter, API and Cockpit together are referred to as „Interfaces“.

2 General Terms for all interfaces

In order to use the Interfaces, Ratepay provides you with API credentials or, in case of a Cockpit, with login data (together referred to as “Credentials”). You will use the Credentials for the access to the Interfaces only. You will keep your Credentials strictly confidential and make reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorised third parties from using your Credentials. You will inform Ratepay immediately, if you suspect that the Credentials may have become known to unauthorized persons.

You will comply with applicable laws and/or contractual provisions agreed between you and Ratepay and you will handle with due care any data you may receive from Ratepay. If personal data (as defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the GDPR) is processed, you will ensure that you have legal ground to process such data. Use of specific Interfaces may require you to agree upon a data processing agreement with Ratepay.

If you use open source software provided by Ratepay via Github, you will comply with the license terms published via Github.

You will refrain from any activity that causes interference with or disruption to the Interfaces or any infrastructure that is connected to the Interfaces. You will implement state of the art security measures in order to protect your infrastructure connected to the Interfaces.

In case of any question with respect to the access to, or the use of the Interfaces, you will refer to Ratepay’s documentation. You may contact the support team of Ratepay subsequently.

Ratepay will promptly rectify any deficiency of the Interfaces. You will immediately inform us via telephone if you become aware of any such deficiency. Ratepay uses all reasonable endeavours to make the Interfaces available to you without any major downtime. You are not entitled to permanent availability of the Interfaces though. Ratepay may temporarily disable access to the Interfaces in whole or in part due to maintenance work, capacity requirements and other events beyond Ratepay's control.

If your merchant agreement with Ratepay terminates, you will stop using the Interfaces. You may use those Interfaces that are necessary for you to comply with obligations that survive the termination of the merchant agreement.

You agree that Ratepay monitors your use of the Interfaces to ensure quality, improve the Interfaces and verify that you comply with these terms.

Ratepay may suspend your access to the Interfaces without previous notice, if Ratepay has reason to believe that you are in violation of any of these terms.

Ratepay may change these terms at any time in order to, for example reflect changes to the law or regulatory requirements or changes to the Interfaces. You should look at these terms regularly and your continued use of the Interfaces constitutes your acceptance of the changes. You will always find the most recent version of these terms here: English version .

If any part of these terms is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, only that particular part so found shall be inoperable, and the remainder of these terms shall not be affected or impaired.

These terms are governed by the laws of Germany. To the extent permitted by law, the courts of Berlin shall have jurisdiction over any claims and matters arising in connection with these terms or the Interfaces.

3 Special Terms for particular Interfaces

Payment API

You will test the connection of your infrastructure to the API before usage.

Order Status API

Ratepay's updates and synchronizes its internal databases at least once per banking day. You are aware that any information provided by Ratepay is subject to update.

You may at any time stop using the API and request Ratepay to disable your access to it. Ratepay may suspend or cease providing access to the API and may alter any part of it.

Pay Later API

You may at any time stop using the API and request Ratepay to disable your access to it. Ratepay may suspend or cease providing access to the API and may alter any part of it.

Orca – the Ratepay Cockpit

You are entitled and solely responsible to create sub-accounts in your user account for your employees and to assign different authorizations to the individual sub-accounts. You may set up sub-accounts for natural persons (e.g. employees) with personalized email addresses only. You will not allow employee groups to log in to sub-accounts using collective email addresses. You will ensure that no sub-account is shared between several natural persons. You will delete the sub-account in the event the respective employee leaves your company.

You may not read out, copy or store in any way the data outside the Cockpit, use it or grant third parties access to it.

You will use the contact form integrated in the Cockpit for each request to Ratepay. Thereby, the transaction-related data are transmitted to Ratepay and Ratepay is able to correctly check and process your request.

You may at any time request Ratepay to disable your access to the Cockpit. Ratepay may suspend or cease providing access to the Cockpit and may alter any part of it.

Previous version ([none])
