
2024-04-09 Extension of the shop_baskets Object in the Authorization Operation

This change introduces a new optional value shop_merchant_id for shop basket object in the Authorization operation. It informs Ratepay systems that a shop has a connection to a specific merchant, so that merchant-level risk settings can be applied.

2024-03-07 Extension of the shops Object in the Authorization Operation

This change introduces a new section for merchant details within the shops object in the Authorization operation. It enables the connection of shops to a specific merchant, allowing the configuration of a merchant-level set of settings in the Ratepay systems.

2023-10-13 Description of Expiration of Transactions

A follow-up operation might get rejected because the transaction expired. We added a new page describing how expiry works and how you can prevent a transaction from expiring.

2023-08-24 Description of Basket Amount Validation

Authorization a new transaction or any follow-up operation might be rejected if the gross amount of the basket doesn't match the sum of all items and special items given in the request. A new page describes in detail how basket amount validation works.

2023-08-23 Description of Key Identifiers Used

A new page was added describing the key identifiers and their use-cases used in payment API like ratepay_transaction_id, partner_shop_id, shop_buyer_id, etc.

2023-08-02 Lookup Incremental Authorizations: New Endpoints to GET Incremental Authorizations

Two new endpoints were added.

  1. Retrieve all incremental authorizations of a transaction .
  2. Retrieve a single incremental authorization of a transaction by providing the incremental authorization ID generated by Ratepay.

An API client can control the amount of information returned by setting the corresponding representation request header.

The responses only include accepted incremental authorizations. Hence, rejected incremental authorization attempts are not included in the response.

2023-07-14 Lookup Cancellations: New Endpoints to GET Cancellations

Two new endpoints were added.

  1. Retrieve all cancellations of a transaction .
  2. Retrieve a single cancellation of a transaction by providing the cancellation ID generated by Ratepay.

An API client can control the amount of information returned by setting the corresponding representation request header.

The responses only include accepted cancellations. Hence, rejected cancellation attempts are not included in the response.

The transaction is automatically cancelled when it expired. This cancellation resource is also returned by the endpoints.

2023-07-11 Lookup Refunds: New Endpoints to GET Refunds

Two new endpoints were added.

  1. Retrieve all refunds of a transaction .
  2. Retrieve a single refund of a transaction by providing the refund ID generated by Ratepay.

An API client can control the amount of information returned by setting the corresponding representation request header.

The responses only include accepted refunds. Hence, rejected refund attempts are not included in the response.

2023-07-03 Specify Buyer Return Fee in Refund Calls

When creating a new refund, you can now specify a buyer return fee. To specify a buyer return fee, add a special item of type RETURN FEE with a negative amount.

2023-06-29 Lookup Captures: New Endpoints to GET Captures

Two new endpoints were added.

  1. Retrieve all captures of a transaction .
  2. Retrieve a single capture of a transaction by providing the capture ID generated by Ratepay.

An API client can control the amount of information returned by setting the corresponding representation request header.

The responses only include accepted captures. Hence, rejected capture attempts are not included in the response.

2023-06-12 Lookup Transaction: New Endpoint to GET Transaction

A new endpoint to lookup a transaction is now available. This endpoint returns structural information about the transaction like buyer and delivery details. The response also includes links to all existing follow-up resources like captures and refunds.

An API client can control the amount of information returned by setting the corresponding representation request header.

The endpoint supports declined transactions, i.e. transactions not accepted by Ratepay. In case of declined transactions, it might happen that not all attributes are returned if they were missing or syntactically incorrect in original request.

Please note: This endpoint doesn't provide payment status information.

2023-05-15 Capture Transaction: New Optional Attribute - partner_invoice_id

The partner's invoice ID can now be optionally included in the capture call.

2023-04-25 All Follow-up Operations now support Marketplace Transactions

All follow-up operations like capture, refund, and cancellation can now be used on marketplace transactions. To identify the basket to capture, refund, cancel, etc., the basket's partnershopid must be included in the belonging request.

API documentation was updated, see:

2023-03-09 Capture Transaction: New Optional Attribute - partner_shop_id

The partner's shop ID can now be optionally included in the capture call. The new attribute is required for marketplace transactions to denote which basket is getting captured.

2023-01-27 Payment References as a List

When authorizing a new transaction, the response now contains a list of payment references. This is in preparation to allow transactions with multiple baskets, which require a different payment reference for each basket. For future integration, use new ratepay_payment_references list. The single value field ratepay_payment_reference is deprecated as of now.

2022-10-21 Request Custom Authorization Expiry

When creating a new transaction, you can now provide a custom expiry time in the authorization request. If the authorization request is accepted and the custom expiry time is within contractually agreed limits, the newly created transaction will expire at the given time.

2022-10-13 Change Transaction: Extend Authorization Expiry

A new endpoint to change existing transactions is now available. It is now possible to extend authorization expiry if contractually agreed.

2022-09-29 New Slangs Supported: French & Dutch

When providing correspondence settings for a shop while authorizing a transaction, it is now possible to define French and Dutch slangs. In addition, German slang is now optional.

2022-09-27 Optional Shop On-boarding

It is no longer required to include shop information in each authorization request. Shops can be on-boarded beforehand. Contact Ratepay to on-board your shop beforehand and get a valid partner shop ID. This ID must be used in the shop basket as each basket must be related to a shop.

2022-08-25 New Payment Method: Pay Now with SEPA Direct Debit

A new payment method is available. The buyer can pay immediately by SEPA direct debit. Besides specifying this payment method and transfer type while authorizating a new transaction, also a debit bank account must be given in payment details.

2022-08-12 Specify Sales Channel during Transaction Authorization

When authorizing a new transaction, a sales channel shall be provided. See sales channel option for details.

2022-06-09 Add Shipping Information to Capture

It is now possible to add shipping information to an existing capture. See add shipping information for details.

2022-05-19 Add Support for Incremental Authorization

It is now possible to increase the transaction amount after the transaction was created. You can extend the transaction with additional items by requesting an incremental authorization. See new endpoint incremental authorization for details.

2022-04-22 Add Support for Captures, Refunds and Cancellations with Items and Special Items

All follow-up operations can now contain items and special items, which were captured, refunded or cancelled.

2022-04-04 Regular Customer Support

It is now possible to mark a buyer as a regular customer when creating a transaction by providing the shop's ID of that buyer. See authorize transaction request for details.

2022-03-25 Added Support for Partial Captures

It is now possible to only capture a partial amount of the original transaction. Before, captures with amount lower than original transaction amount were rejected. See capture request documentation.

2022-03-17 Added Support for Pick-Up Locations

It is now possible to specify a pick-up location for delivery instead of a delivery address. The following types of pick-up locations are supported:

  • pick-up box - buyer collecting delivery at a delivery station
  • pick-up shop - buyer collecting delivery at a post office or similar
  • in-store collect
    • buyer collecting delivery at a store of the merchant

2022-02-25 Added Support for B2B

A company can now be specified as buyer in authorization request. See company section in buyer .

A buyer must either be a company or person, but not both. By providing a company as buyer, request is considered to be B2B.