Key Identifiers

The different APIs and tools use a set of repeating identifiers so that transactions and related objects like captures can be easily identified in APIs but also in reports and other tools. This page introduces the main identifiers, their purpose, and possible use-cases.

Identifiers are either generated by Ratepay like transaction ID or provided by the partner or shop. Not all identifiers are used in all integration scenarios and their usage might depend on contractual agreements.

Identifiers Generated by Ratepay

Identifier Description Synonym
ratepay_transaction_id Generated by Ratepay when a new transaction is authorized. Both, accepted and declined transactions get a unique ID assigned. transaction ID
ratepay_authorization_id Generated by Ratepay when gross amount of an existing transaction is increased.
ratepay_capture_id Generated by Ratepay when an existing transaction is (partially) captured. Each capture object has a unique ID.
ratepay_refund_id Generated by Ratepay when a captured transaction is (partially) refunded. Each refund object has a unique ID.
ratepay_cancellation_id Generated by Ratepay when an existing transaction is (partially) cancelled. Each cancellation object has a unique ID.
ratepay_shipping_information_id Generated by Ratepay when shipping information is added to an existing capture object. Each shipping information object has a unique ID.
ratepay_payment_reference Payment reference provided by Ratepay if buyer selected bank transfer as transfer type. The buyer must provide the payment reference when transferring the money so that the payment can be correctly assigned to the transaction.
In certain marketplace integration scenarios, a unique payment reference is generated for each basket.
reference ID
device.token ID generated for Ratepay's device fingerprinting feature. This ID must be included when authorizing a new transaction. The device token should be only provided if Ratepay's fingerprinting feature is used.
shops.merchant.merchant_id This identifier is generated by Ratepay after aligning the details of the merchant-level settings within the Ratepay systems. It is then provided to a partner for use in the Authorization API payload.
shop_baskets.shop_merchant_id This identifier is generated by Ratepay after aligning the details of the merchant-level settings within the Ratepay systems. It is then provided to a partner for use in the Authorization API payload.

Identifiers Generated by Partner or Shop

Identifier Description Synonym
partner_transaction_id Unique arbitrary ID generated by the partner or shop to identify the transaction. (partner) order ID, shop order ID
partner_operation_id Unique arbitrary ID generated by the partner or shop to identify an API operation. This ID is included in settlement reports to allow relating settlement report items to API operations. operation ID
partner_shop_id Unique arbitrary ID generated by the partner or shop to identify a shop and to relate a basket to a shop. In some integration scenarios, this ID is provided by Ratepay for each shop to be integrated. shop ID
shop_buyer_id Unique arbitrary ID generated by the shop to identify a customer. This ID is required if the regular customer feature is used. buyer ID
Idempotency-Key Unique arbitrary ID generated by partner if recommended idempotency feature is used. The ID is provided as a HTTP header and should not be re-used among different API requests.
device.finger_print Arbitrary ID generated by partner or shop to identify the device (e.g. browser) used by the buyer during checkout. Use this ID if you do not integrate Ratepay's device fingerprinting feature.