Manage Orders

Order Overview

Orders placed with Ratepay payment methods are available in the order overview.

To access, click on Sales -> Orders

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After selecting an order, a detailed view of this order appears. The Payment Information indicates orders placed with Ratepay.

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Tip: For technical questions about orders, always refer to the Ratepay transaction ID you can see in this field.

Shipping & Invoices

Ratepay always requires a shipping confirmation. Ratepay only responds to claims after items are dispatched.

To submit a shipping confirmation, click the invoice button. Fill in the quantity of each item to be invoiced and click submit invoice.

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You are also able to submit the tracking information to Ratepay. For this check the Create Shipment checkbox and enter the carrier information for this delivery.

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The corresponding invoice can then be found under the invoice tab.

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Modifying Ratepay Orders


Click Cancellation or Cancel in the order view. All items that have not yet been invoiced will be cancelled. If no invoice has been issued yet, all items will be cancelled. In the column Item status, these will appear as Cancelled. In the column quantity, you can find the Number of cancelled items.

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For a partial cancellation, send out the available items and then cancel the entire order. Partial cancellations before dispatch are not supported by Magento. Items of an order, or a purchase order for which a shipping confirmation has already been issued cannot be cancelled. In such cases, a return must be issued.


To return a full or partial order, click Credit memo in the order view.

In the column Refund quantity enter the number of items to be returned and click on Update quantity. You can also decide whether the shipping costs should be refunded.

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The corresponding amount is now shown under the Credit memos tab.

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Credit Memo

To enter a credit memo click Credit memo in the order view and enter the Euro amount under Adjustment refund. Do not forget to set the quantity of items to zero. If you click on Refund, the credit will be generated.

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The corresponding amount is now shown in the Credit memos tab.

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Comment History

The comments history lists all changes made to individual orders.

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Each comment contains the time at which the action took place, a description of the respective action and whether the customer was informed or not.


If you do not create your invoices in Ratepay, please note that your invoices must include all required legal information. This includes the purpose of use. You can find such information listed in the Magento table sales_flat_order_payment under the additional information column which contains a serialized array with a Descriptor field. This descriptor refers to the intended use.

Application Examples

Full Shipping

The customer buys exactly one item with Ratepay, this item is in stock and can be shipped.

  • You can find the customer's order in your administration area
  • Invoice the full purchase

Partial Cancellation and Partial Shipping

The customer buys the same item twice using Ratepay, the items are in stock and can be shipped.The customer contacts you before dispatch of the purchase to cancel the order of one of the two items.

  • You can find the customer's order in your administration area
  • Invoice the item that is not be cancelled.
  • Cancel the order

Credit Memo and Shipping

The customer buys one item with Ratepay, this item will be in stock in one week's time and can be then shipped. Due to the longer waiting period, the customer receives a subsequent credit memo and the items are dispatched.

  • Locating the customer's order
  • Invoice all items
  • Generate a credit memo