Application Examples

Full shipping

The customer buys exactly one item using the Ratepay payment method. This item is on stock and can be shipped.

  • Click on the customer's order in the administration backend.
  • Click on the Ratepay tab and go to the Delivery/Cancellation section.
  • Check the ordered item and the corresponding quantity.
  • Click on ship .

Partial Cancellation and Shipping

The customer buys the same item twice using the Ratepay payment method. The items are on stock and can be shipped. Before dispatching the order the customer asks you to cancel the order of one of the two items.

  • Click on the customer's order in the administration backend.
  • Click on the Ratepay tab and go to the Delivery/Cancellation section.
  • Find the item with a quantity of two and set its quantity to one.
  • Click on cancel .
  • Click on ship .

Credit Memo and Shipping

The customer orders items using the Ratepay payment method. The items will be on stock after one week. Due to the long waiting period the customer receives a credit memo. The items are dispatched.

  • Click on the customer's order in the administration backend.
  • Click on the Ratepay tab and go to the Credit Memo section.
  • Enter the amount of the credit memo and click on the create credit button.
  • The ordered items and the corresponding credit memo are displayed in the Delivery/Cancellation section.
  • Click on ship .