Version 6.0.x - 6.1.x

Learn how to install the Ratepay module on your OXID version 6.0.x and 6.1.x

  1. Go to the directory {shop-root}/source/modules and create there a new folder named ratepay .
  2. Copy all files of the Ratepay Payment Plugin into that new folder.
  3. Visit the root folder of your OXID Shop installation and open the composer.json file.
  4. Add the following autoload configuration:
    "autoload": {
    	"psr-4": {
    		"pi\\ratepay\\": "./source/modules/pi/ratepay",
    		"Ratepay\\": "./source/modules/pi/ratepay/vendor/ratepay/php-library/src"
  5. Connect via ssh to the server where you find your shop installation and it's vendor folder.
  6. Execute the following command to generate the required autoloader files:
    vendor/bin/composer dump-autoload

    After successful execution you should get these responses: Generating autoload files Generated autoload files

  7. Now empty the tmp and cache folders

...go ahead by reading the Setup and activation instructions.