1000: Technical error

A technical error occurred. This does not necessarily mean that the whole Ratepay system does not work. The reason may be a problem that is caused by this special request or a problem with a subsystem. The same request can be sent again after a short period of time. The Ratepay Service Management is monitoring all errors and will care about the error if it has to be solved by Ratepay.

Language Message
DEU Es trat ein technischer Fehler auf. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nochmal.
ENG A technical error has occurred. Please try again at a later point in time.
FRA Une erreur technique est survenue. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.
NLD Er is een technische fout opgetreden. Probeert u het op een later tijdstip alstublieft nogmaals.

Refers to Result Code:

150: Processing failed