Open Invoice

Paying by invoice is by far the most popular payment method among German online shoppers.


Open Invoice is a payment method that enables customers to purchase goods or services on credit and pay at a later date. With Open Invoice, customers receive an invoice1 detailing the amount owed, payment terms, and due date.

When a customer selects Open Invoice in your checkout, Ratepay performs a real-time risk check. The advantage of using Open Invoice is that it can improve cash flow for both the buyer and you as seller:

  • For buyers: They can purchase goods or services without having to pay for them immediately, which can be beneficial for managing their finances.
  • For sellers: They can offer credit terms to their customers, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

1 Ratepay offers the service to send Invoices to the buyers. Further correspondences such as reminders are generally handled by Ratepay.

Process in a nutshell

  • Buyer decides to to pay via "Open Invoice"
  • Seller sends a PAYMENT_REQUEST / Authorize transaction request to Ratepay with the buyer-, shopping basket- & payment data
  • Ratepay responds, if this transaction has been accepted or rejected
  • In case of a...
    • rejection, the reason should be shown & the buyer should choose another payment method
    • acceptance, the seller should inform the buyer about the successful transaction
  • When the seller sends the goods, a CONFIRMATION_DELIVER / Capture transaction request must be sent to Ratepay.
    • This starts the contractually agreed time for the payout to the seller & the claim will be transfered to Ratepay,
    • an invoice should be sent to the buyer &
    • the due date for the buyer begins.
  • In case of...